Testing that Reaches the World
Electrical Transmission, Distribution & Generator Equipment Testing
Clark Testing has a long legacy of testing services for industrial electric and power generation equipment manufacturers. Our services support manufacturers of generation, transmission, distribution and power conditioning equipment.
Power generation equipment testing services at Clark are conducted in accordance with IEEE, IEC, ANSI, ISO and OSHPOD standards. All testing is completed under the guidance of Clark’s ISO 17027-2007 Quality Assurance program.
Our onsite Condition Monitoring Services (CMS) allow power generation companies to understand the overall condition of their equipment. With CMS support they can forecast maintenance, mitigate forced outages and ensure plant reliability. Clark's rigorous Quality Assurance Programs have been audited by industry, government and commercial stakeholder
Clark’s qualification and testing services on Power Generation Equipment are conducted on components such as:
- Generator Testing
- Motor Controls Testing
- Transformers
- Breakers
- Control Panels & Cabinets
- Switches
- Valves & Valve Actuators
- Distribution Panels
- Disconnect / Knife Switches
- Insulator
- UPS Systems
- Auxiliary & Back Up Power System
- Wire & Wire Harness Systems
Testing Services
Seismic Triaxial and RIM Qualifications
Clark’s triaxial shake table provides simultaneous motion in the three orthogonal directions for the testing of structurally-mounted equipment (ground or wall-mounted). Our required input motion (RIM) uniaxial table tests equipment used in line-mount- ed applications to ensure that it will withstand the potentially harsh dynamic conditions encountered during a seismic event, a high-energy line break, or from resonance induced pipe rupture.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Common to automated systems and electronics in the industry is the requirement to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of components and mitigate vulnerability to outside sources. Emissions and Immunity analysis provides insight as to the potentially undesirable propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy and radiofrequency interference.
Strucutral, Load & Fatigue
Unique to each test specimen are its functional and design-basis lifetime requirements. Clark’s facilities have the equipment and technical expertise to test a variety of components for mechanical fatigue and failure, life cycle, aging, accelerated aging, and simulation.
Shock and Vibration
Clark Testing’s Vibration laboratory has multiple hydraulic and electrodynamic shakers making Clark Testing the ideal fit for all your testing needs. Our Vibration laboratorys' investment in new equipment has led to Clark Testing being an industry leader in Vibration Testing.
Fuels and Lubricants
The Fuels and Lubricants lab specializes in wear testing of products based on test rigs such as Four-Ball wear, Hydraulic Pump Wear, and FZG Gear. Clark Testing Fuels & Lubricants Laboratory is fully equipped to perform tests ranging from routine analyses to quality control.
Clark Dynamics has the environmental chambers to accelerate aging and validate functional performance for longer plant-life expectancy. Clark can accommodate large component aging for extended periods simulating containment internal conditions as high as 170C.