Clark Testing
- January 1992
The Beginning
Saul Siegel & Paul Heffernan acquired Westinghouse’s Astro Nuclear Division (ANDI): A division of ANDI provided seismic, vibration, shock and environmental testing services to many Fortune 500 companies.
- March 1996
Expanding Locations
Clark Engineering Service’s mechanical test laboratory is acquired in Buchanan, MI. Clark’s Buchanan facility has diverse testing capabilities including structural, fatigue, load, stress and mechanical durability testing. This acquisition is the origin behind the name Clark Testing.
- January 2004
Company Acquisition
Siegel & Heffernan acquired UEC Labs from US Steel Corporation in Monroeville, PA. The newly acquired lab was named Clark Laboratories, LLC. The Clark Labs’ capabilities includes; Coal/Coke, Fuel, Lubricant, Analytical Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene testing
- April 2005
New Location
Westinghouse Nuclear Research Center in Jefferson Hills, PA is purchased from the PA Turnpike Commission. This becomes corporate headquarters for the testing services operations. ANDI Test Lab changed its name to Clark Dynamic Test Laboratory, Inc.
- August 2009
Clark relocates coal & coke division to a larger facility in Bluefield, West Virginia. In the fall of 2009 Clark opened 3 satellite labs in West Virginia at Coal Mountain, Keystone & Red Fox as a result of a contract with a major Russian carbon company.
- January 2010
New Laboratory
New laboratory is opened up near St Louis, Mo. Supporting the newly constructed SUN Coke Energy coke plant in Gateway, Il. Clark enters into a long-term contract with SUN Coke to provide sampling and testing services od coke for inbound barges on the Mississippi River.
- December 2011
New Location
Clark opens a new coal & coke test laboratory in Princeton West Virginia in the fall of 2011. This new facility is not only the headquarters for Clark’s coal & coke division, but it also enables Clark to provide its customers with their high standards of testing services in sync within their required turnaround times.
- August 2012
Heffernan Family acquires controlling interest in Clark entities from Siegel Estate. Management embarks on major Capital Investment campaign upgrading equipment and augmenting existing testing services.
- January 2013
All Clark companies including Astro/Nuclear, UEC Labs and Clark Engineering are rebranded as Clark Testing.
- April 2014
Company Acquisition
Clark acquires Delta Laboratories from Export, Pa. Acquisition diversifies Clark analytical testing capabilities into Particle Characterization opening up new markets for Clark’s analytical chemistry laboratory.
- June 2015
New Service Offered
Clark makes Foray into EMC business through acquisition of assets from SONY Electronics Corp. EMC/EMI testing services complements Clark Dynamics’ seismic, vibration and thermal testing capabilities.
- May 2016
Continued Expansion
Clark acquires Condition Monitoring Laboratory from CONSOL Energy. This acquisition enhances Clark’s existing CMS services improving reliability.
- November 2018
Laboratory Acquisition
Clark acquires Power and Propulsion Laboratory from Bombardier Transportation. Clark is now able to simulate field operating conditions for light rail vehicles and people movers. Acquisition of the Bombardier propulsion lab enables Clark to offer capabilities for motor and electric vehicle (EV) testing services.